Churchlink Guestbook
Thank you for visiting Churchlink. We would love it if you would add to this guestbook we are keeping! Or you may check out our Summary Guestlog.
I just want to say wow! I am a college student at a very liberal college and sometimes I need a little encouragement to get me through the day You are that encouragement. I found your site while looking for info for a discussion in speech class. I welcome e-mails from other Christians who struggle through the world. Thanks again.
Beth Barton <[email protected]>
North Bend, OR usa - Wednesday, October 13, 1999 at 08:40:43 (GMT-10)
I couldn't believe it, I was just surfing around doing a word search and I came across your web site on Bible Studies. I was just telling a friend I am studing about the appointed feast and the importance to the Christian Church for "we come along ways away from our roots". I skimmed over the info. as I made a copy for study. Thank you so much and YHWH bless you. Becky
Becky Young <[email protected]>
Yamhill, OR Yamhill - Tuesday, October 05, 1999 at 17:25:27 (GMT-10)
Keep up the good work telling the world about Yeshua
Susan Tarascio <[email protected]>
Melbourne, Vic Australia - Saturday, October 02, 1999 at 22:42:35 (GMT-10)
It is just good, I saved some good files for me, if any christian friend has any comments on how to make an outline for preaching give me any clue. thanks.
Joao Maria H. Fonseca <[email protected]>
Brasilia, DF Brazil - Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 05:56:44 (GMT-10)
You have a great site. Good stuff. I will visit often. I have added a link to your site from our Bible Study Page at God bless your ministry.
Danny Ivison <[email protected]>
Ennis, TX USA - Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 00:00:40 (GMT-10)
Tahnks a lot. Yoyr website has been truely a blessing
Ronnie L. Riddick <[email protected]>
Gates, NC USA - Saturday, September 25, 1999 at 21:22:58 (GMT-10)
real good, enjoy every moment.
ANTHONY L. GAY <agay1>
cleveland, ohio usa - Tuesday, September 21, 1999 at 08:20:23 (GMT-10)
real good, enjoy every moment.
ANTHONY L. GAY <agay1>
cleveland, ohio usa - Tuesday, September 21, 1999 at 08:14:37 (GMT-10)
real good, enjoy every moment.
ANTHONY L. GAY <agay1>
cleveland, ohio usa - Tuesday, September 21, 1999 at 08:13:48 (GMT-10)
This is an excellent site resource for any Christian genuinely seeking to improve his/her understanding of the Faith. I pray I will have to use it so that I can return in the near future.
Neville Sheen <[email protected]>
Wingham, NSW Australia - Saturday, September 18, 1999 at 22:58:32 (GMT-10)
I'm Pastor of the Locust Grove Church Located @ 13356 Glissans Mill Road,21771
Gary Mosorjak <[email protected]>
Mt. Airy, Md. United States - Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 09:32:46 (GMT-10)
Looks excellent- see you tomorrow!!
Greg Budworth <[email protected]>
Newcastle, NSW Australia - Thursday, September 09, 1999 at 15:31:38 (GMT-10)
Blessed by you site.May God bless you in this great work. Praise God
MARK HUTCHEON <[email protected]>
Rockhampton, Qld Australia - Sunday, September 05, 1999 at 16:34:00 (GMT-10)
Greetings to all my brothers and sisters in Christ from New York City.All honor and praise and glory to the One who has called us out of this sin-cursed world to satisfy his perfect will.Grace and peace and strength to you all,I pray,through our Lord and Savior,Jesus Christ.
Charlie Michelsen <ctm24 @>
New York City, N Y USA - Sunday, September 05, 1999 at 13:41:17 (GMT-10)
So far, so GOOD! I'm still checking it out, but I'm impressed.
Trisha Lefert <[email protected]>
- Saturday, September 04, 1999 at 10:36:44 (GMT-10)
just starting to look but seems you have done a good thing
philip jennings <[email protected]>
perth, wa australia - Monday, August 30, 1999 at 23:26:24 (GMT-10)
Hello from Hawaii. God bless your ministry. May we all follow Jesus to victory at the end of the age by His blood, our testimony, and by loving not our lives unto death.
Vernon L. Kuenzi <[email protected]>
Pearl City, HI US - Sunday, August 29, 1999 at 11:34:37 (GMT-10)
Really great site guys - see you when you get back - God bless you all
Steve & Anne Whiddon <[email protected]>
Newcastle, NSW AUSTRALIA - Wednesday, August 25, 1999 at 10:56:46 (GMT-10)
Keep up the great work. God bless you as you carry out this fantastic vision.
Oakey, QLD Australia - Tuesday, August 24, 1999 at 22:45:49 (GMT-10)
Guess Who?? Nope
Test User
Raymond Terrace, NSW Australia - Monday, August 23, 1999 at 12:44:28 (GMT-10)
lot of good resorses. God Bless you and your famliy
Nicole <[email protected]>
- Monday, December 21, 1998 at 12:49:32 (GMT-10)
Your site is the first Christian site that I've come across, and it is very good indeed! Keep it up and God bless!
Franklin Fok <[email protected]>
Melbourne, Vic Australia - Monday, December 21, 1998 at 12:43:16 (GMT-10)
Guys, excellent site! Keep pressing in towards God the way you are, you cannot help but reach thousands through this high-quality, informative site. Praise God for believers with no technofear!
Craig & Rachel Scully <[email protected]>
Brisbane, QLD AUST - Monday, December 14, 1998 at 23:15:16 (GMT-10)
Good site! But actually I was looking for a Christian penfriends organisation. Is there one?
dane <[email protected]>
Hazelbrook, NSW Australia - Monday, December 14, 1998 at 07:05:23 (GMT-10)
Just looking around, to see what other Potters are doing
Les&Sue Atkinson <[email protected]>
Kalgoorlie, WA Ozzieland - Saturday, December 12, 1998 at 05:28:45 (GMT-10)
Barb <[email protected]>
Hammond, Indiana USA - Wednesday, December 09, 1998 at 03:43:42 (GMT-10)
Dear Brethren: Grace and Peace from Christ our Lord! First time to drop by your webpage since I got your webpage address from my own personal copy of Project 21 training manual. Thank you very much for your services and ministry helps for all the people of God this is already a great contribution, PRAISE GOD! Hope to see more developments and additional services for the fast changing and growing need of the millenial challenge or harvest of souls. The Grace of God be upon you all! HALLELUJAH AND MARANATHA!!!
Pastor Arman Ramos <[email protected]; [email protected]>
Valenzuela, Manila Philippines - Friday, December 04, 1998 at 20:28:36 (GMT-10)
I love surfing the web and visiting Christian and church webpages. I invite anyone interested in missions and Haiti to visit our homepage and learn about our work and needs. Your prayers will be appreciated.
Dan <dan@* (remove * )>
PA USA - Friday, December 04, 1998 at 02:33:49 (GMT-10)
My wife and I are serving Christ among the Cambodian people in Sydney (Cambodian Baptist Fellowship). We found that we are sp so blessed to have Bible study materials to help us learn and find that they are of great help to us.
Saveth Uy <[email protected]>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Thursday, December 03, 1998 at 23:35:37 (GMT-10)
I enjoy the Bible Study series very much. It has blessed me immensely!!!!
Dicky Laksono <[email protected]>
Portsmouth, VA USA - Thursday, December 03, 1998 at 09:47:15 (GMT-10)
Great site. May God bless you in your endeavors to spread the Good News!
Wanda Hudson <[email protected]>
Lithonia, GA USA - Thursday, December 03, 1998 at 07:14:00 (GMT-10)
Awesome web site, I loved it!
Trevor <[email protected]>
Australia - Tuesday, December 01, 1998 at 09:34:32 (GMT-10)
Thanks for developing such a quality site to further the Christian cause. It is another great weapon in our arsenal to use against the enemy.
Pastor Gil Couch <[email protected]>
Roaring River, NC USA - Sunday, November 22, 1998 at 08:03:12 (GMT-10)
Great Site!! I really liked the Bible studies. Keep it up!!!
Chuck Denyer <[email protected]>
Maryville, Tn USA - Saturday, November 21, 1998 at 00:55:39 (GMT-10)
Great site! I really am going to dig into the study on the Feasts. Thanks for making them available.
Pam McNett
Petersburg, MI USA - Friday, November 20, 1998 at 09:17:58 (GMT-10)
I came across your web site while I was checking out Y2K bug sites and I am going back to it day after day.A very good site. Wondering if events in 2000 may bring about One World Government, AntiChrist, one monetary system and THE MARK? All the best, David Greenland
David Greenland <[email protected]>
Frankston, Victoria Australia - Thursday, November 19, 1998 at 19:55:01 (GMT-10)
I really appreciate the quality of the Bible Studies and thank you for the time you have taken in making this resource available.
Joanne Stedman <[email protected]>
Adelaide, S.A. Australia - Tuesday, November 17, 1998 at 18:13:48 (GMT-10)
First time visiting this website, but very informative in a christian perspective. More power !
David Mark Santiago <[email protected]>
Malolos, Bulacan Philippines - Tuesday, November 17, 1998 at 17:03:35 (GMT-10)
I appreciate your library of Bible lessons, I find them beneficial. Do you have a list of books authored by contributers? I would find that helpful. Thanks
Paul Lindblad <[email protected]>
Phoenix, AZ USA - Friday, November 13, 1998 at 01:30:46 (GMT-10)
Hi Paul and Bunty - remember Glenda from Darwin I am living in Lombok Indon and would love to hear from you and also where i8s Karen? Lombok is a Muslim dominated Island and never has a place been so desparate for the gospel. This E mail adress is the adress of a friend. Please reply and we'd love you to spy out the lay of the land with a visit. Love you both bye. Glenda Sutardy.
glenda sutardy - Lombok Indonesia <[email protected]>
Mataram, NTB Indonesia - Tuesday, November 10, 1998 at 23:10:15 (GMT-10)
OWEN HOWDEN <[email protected]>
BRISBANE, QLD AUSTRALIA - Saturday, November 07, 1998 at 16:41:49 (GMT-10)
Greetings from Western Australia. Thanks for such an informative site. God bless your work and ministry. Eddie Russell FMI
Flame Ministries International <[email protected]>
Perth, WA Australia - Monday, November 02, 1998 at 23:48:00 (GMT-10)
More power to your cyber ministry. God bless!
Pastor Ernesto Endab <Ernesto Endab>
Pasig City, Philippines - Wednesday, October 28, 1998 at 14:15:30 (GMT-10)
I enjoyed your page. Keep up the good work! Feel free to visit my page. It's cool too.
Abby Brown <[email protected] >
Phila, Pa Usa - Tuesday, October 27, 1998 at 17:05:00 (GMT-10)
This site is the MEAT of the WORD!! Thanks for the studies!! May THE LORD bless your life.
gloria <[email protected]>
crowley, louisiana usa - Tuesday, October 27, 1998 at 11:52:03 (GMT-10)
I've just found you. Just what I needed.
Evelyn <[email protected]>
England - Tuesday, October 27, 1998 at 08:42:41 (GMT-10)
i think you are doing a great job and don't let anyone tell you different. god bless you all smiley
kate mutch <[email protected]>
brisbane, qld australia - Wednesday, October 21, 1998 at 09:15:04 (GMT-10)
I surfed by this morning seeking for workers that may be in Bulgaria. The country is dear to my heart and always has been. The web search pulled up the site re. YWAM's work in Bulgaria. I am so pleased to find your link across the nations for missions. Thank you. God Bless you as you help the "stones" of the earth call out and Praise God. I would love to hear from other YWAMers also.
Billie White <[email protected]>
Myrtle Beach, SC USA - Monday, October 19, 1998 at 23:07:45 (GMT-10)
I just found this. . .thanks for everything! It's extremely helpful in the Sunday School lesson I am preparing for next week!
Ouida Ray <[email protected]>
Shreveport, LA - Saturday, October 17, 1998 at 12:17:28 (GMT-10)
I have just read the Lausanne Covenant and the Manila Manifesto. Something I feel every Christian should read. What is happening Now? Why are we not talking about this in our churches today? I am looking for feed back on this can anyone help?
John McWhirr <[email protected]>
Coronet Bay, Victoria Australia - Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 15:24:13 (GMT-10)
PATRICK WOOLHOUSE <[email protected]>
ST. ALBANS, VT. USA - Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 07:22:54 (GMT-10)
i was web surfing and just read set-free what an awesome testimony and revelation of Gods grace, mercy, and great love for us.God bless u and your wonderful ministry
arlington, tx usa - Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 22:52:11 (GMT-10)
Your site reached my in a very strange way. At a time when I have felt that the church of today is being led astray I was looking for a back to basics bible study course and while on holidays I was told only a name. From there I took the chance that if this person was on the right track I would find him/her on the Internet. Need I say more, I currently need serious support in my walk and direction. Those who told me of you spoke very highly.
Tony West <[email protected]>
Toowoomba, Qld Australia - Saturday, October 03, 1998 at 20:39:24 (GMT-10)
Great resource. Please check out the resource I have set up as well called: The Truth Will Set You Free - you can view this page at this address:
CA - Saturday, October 03, 1998 at 03:05:16 (GMT-10)
This is a great web site! (:-)
Portia Worthy <[email protected]>
Chicago, IL USA - Saturday, October 03, 1998 at 02:37:51 (GMT-10)
jcfan101 <>
R.Cucamonga, Calif. U.S.A - Friday, October 02, 1998 at 12:34:34 (GMT-10)
R.CUCAMONGA, CALIF USA - Friday, October 02, 1998 at 12:27:32 (GMT-10)
Kevin Keep <[email protected]>
Wynyard, Tasmania Australia - Wednesday, September 30, 1998 at 12:02:40 (GMT-10)
Hi it's me. Finally got to see your OBC - Needless to say it is fantastic! Need any extra bits to the cross-cultural studies. I'd be happy to add my bit if you would like me to. Great to hear your voices every once in a while. Love you all as always, Rebecca. Love from Tim and the all the Laklem tribe. Lo
Rebecca <[email protected]>
Chiang Mai, THAILAND - Wednesday, September 30, 1998 at 00:34:38 (GMT-10)
This webpage is very interesting and can be very true. All we can do now is wait till it happens, unless we try to develop new chips for the computer so we can still have an easy life. Without computers is very hard.
Glenn D.
dededo, Guam - Tuesday, September 29, 1998 at 21:03:57 (GMT-10)
Enjoyed your lesson on the gates found in Nehemiah. Thank you for the good work, and may God bless all of you.
Rev. Royce S. Barrett <[email protected]>
McKeesport, Pa. USA - Sunday, September 27, 1998 at 10:00:55 (GMT-10)
Enjoyed the Bible Study notes on Ezekiel!
Jan Britt <[email protected]>
Hobbs, NM USA - Sunday, September 27, 1998 at 02:19:17 (GMT-10)
I was excited to find your Bible Study on the Holy Spirit! I have bookmarked your website for future use! Thanks!
Leslie Aune <[email protected]>
Arlington, TX USA - Friday, September 25, 1998 at 05:11:42 (GMT-10)
Your site is a great help, I work through your Bible studies, which is a great blessing to me. May the Lord Bless you for this.
Dirk Harlaar <[email protected]>
Dortmund, Germany - Wednesday, September 09, 1998 at 18:00:43 (GMT-10)
israel r. perez <[email protected]>
JERSEY CITY, NJ USA - Sunday, September 06, 1998 at 11:35:58 (GMT-10)
Hope and love to all. I think this site can help to get in good contact with other people. Specials greetings to Karine.
Bas A. Korevaar <[email protected]>
Eindhoven, Netherlands - Sunday, September 06, 1998 at 01:02:42 (GMT-10)
God Bless love the stories keep up the good work
Carl& Sue Nitz <[email protected]>
Pomona, QLD aust - Saturday, September 05, 1998 at 13:12:59 (GMT-10)
What a wealth of stuff to look at! I'll be back for more.
Esther Beale <[email protected]>
Townsville, Qld Australia - Friday, September 04, 1998 at 21:12:08 (GMT-10)
Enjoyed the article on Restoration of the Temple. We have a couple of web-sites ourselves which are called Lark of the Morning Prophetic Page. These are located: and also
Alana Campbell <[email protected]>
Everett, Wa USA - Tuesday, September 01, 1998 at 06:51:54 (GMT-10)
Enjoyed the article on Restoration of the Temple. We have a couple of web-sites ourselves which are called Lark of the Morning Prophetic Page.
Alana Campbell <[email protected]>
Everett, Wa USA - Tuesday, September 01, 1998 at 06:50:19 (GMT-10)
I watch your show all of the time, I saw your show on The Year 2000 Alert, thats why I`m here. Thank you for being there for us. Your show has helped me in so many ways and I`m sure that I`m not alone in that. God Bless all of you.
janet cranford <[email protected]>
carthage, tx us - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 14:38:57 (GMT-10)
Hello! Just a note to tell you I visited your site and took time to sign your Guestbook. If you are interested in a thought provoking, no-nonsense web page on the subjects of Creation and Noah's flood I invite you to visit my site, the Christian Geology Ministry, at and see what using some elementary science, logic, and the exact English wording of the KJV Bible reveals about the Genesis narratives and the Earth's geology. If you find the material worthy, feel free to link to the site. Thank you and God bless!
Gaines Johnson <[email protected]>
Wayne, WV USA - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 18:10:08 (GMT-10)
I found your Y2K section very interesting, and very well put together. May God continue working in and through your lives.
Dianne Golden <[email protected]>
Topeka, KS USA - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 16:06:11 (GMT-10)
I have been teaching from the two King's Table books you left us when you came for your graduation. Pastor Mallett is pleased with the material! I love your layout, it's so easy to teach from. I love your website, God is moving mightily through your ministry. I impart God's prosperity in your lives in Jesus' Name. Much love Doctors! Olga
Olga Goldine <[email protected]>
Downey, CA USA - Friday, August 28, 1998 at 18:31:53 (GMT-10)
I am a church business administrator. I am also in a master's program on organizational leadership. I look forward to using your website in my work and studies!
Annette Beseman <[email protected]>
Blaine, MN USA - Friday, August 28, 1998 at 13:32:47 (GMT-10)
Paul, great to chat with you the last few days - love your site. Yesterday got together with Mike Smith & I'm sure our chat would have interested you. I 'm getting a few peopel together to talk about possibilities for discipleship on the net. Will get back to you in a week or so. Wayne
Wayne R Crockford <[email protected]>
Canberra, A.C.T. AUSTRALIA - Friday, August 28, 1998 at 09:38:09 (GMT-10)
I'm glad to see another ministry presence online! God bless you.
Scott Moore <[email protected]>
Moulton, AL 35650 - Friday, August 28, 1998 at 00:30:02 (GMT-10)
I read a couple of the lessons on prayer and throroughly enjoyed them. I am reading a book on prayer as a start to try to refocus myself on Christ. Those two lessons on prayer I read were an excellent supplement on this book. Thank you!
John M. Pitts <[email protected]>
Ft. Worth, TX United States - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 17:09:40 (GMT-10)
Hello Friends! It is refreshing to see this sight full of truth here on the net. it has confirmed Christ in me as well as caused growth. I have added your site to my Links on My ministry page please let me know if this is ok with you all. Continue to be faithfull here on the net with all that Jesus gives for you to do.... perhaps some real audio teachings in the future for this location?....May God bless you all in all that you need to fullfill your purpose in these last days.. Your friend and brother in Christ John Pennington
John R Pennington <[email protected]>
Phoenix, AZ USA - Monday, August 24, 1998 at 12:51:43 (GMT-10)
I love Aussie's and I love Churchlink too. Good On Ya Mates.
Rev. Lamar Junkins <[email protected]>
Birmingham, ALa. USA - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 13:22:56 (GMT-10)
I am married to a women who is more concerned with what she has than what she could be.She dosen't want to talk or listen to anything that has to do with it. Her life and mine are only connected by the two children that we have. I have just about had enough. I have had to put up with to much junk and she just won't listen . All I ever get from her is that I should go find me a christian women then . So what do I do? I can't go through this anymore.
David <[email protected]>
Plainfield, wi usa - Saturday, August 22, 1998 at 10:41:12 (GMT-10)
I am married to a women who is more concerned with what she has than what she could be.She dosen't want to talk or listen to anything that has to do with it. Her life and mine are only connected by the two children that we have I have just about had enough. I have had to put up with to much junk and she just won't listen . All I ever get from her is that I should go find me a christian women then . So what do I do? I can't go through this anymore.
David <[email protected]>
Plainfield, wi usa - Saturday, August 22, 1998 at 10:39:38 (GMT-10)
I am cristian youth worker, would like to build a christian youth link both in information services and youth ministry. I need to learn much about it, and support that it will happen in my city and in Indonesia. Pray for me. I am a volunteer worker in SU Indonesia as scriptwriter and radio ministry. Glory to the Lord!
hidayat kristono <[email protected]>
bogor, west java indonesia - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 23:54:38 (GMT-10)
My husband and I are pastors and Salvation Amry Officers, in this small community. Our church is just getting started and we are in need of Sunday School materials that will work well for K through 6th grade all together. I have written the cirriculum for the last year and am frankly somewhat burnt out! Can anyone help?
Lt. Londa Price <[email protected]>
Opelika, AL USA - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 11:16:32 (GMT-10)
Please pray for me.
Kathy Covington
- Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 02:29:27 (GMT-10)
As a Y2K Remediation Project Manager for a community college, your web page is a sobering and well written source to consider. In all honesty, no Christian should try to tie world events to predicting the second coming of Christ. The scriptures are clear on that issue. I personally feel it is arrogant to second guess God. But most importantly, and constructively, we should all consider not being so arrogant as to presume technology will replace God in human existance.
Jeff Odem <[email protected]>
Decatur, GA USA - Friday, July 31, 1998 at 13:13:30 (GMT-10)
As a Y2K Remediation Project Manager for a community college, your web page is a sobering and well written source to consider. In all honesty, no Christian should try to tie world events to predicting the second coming of Christ. The scriptures are clear on that issue. I personally feel it is arrogant to second guess God. But most importantly, and constructively, we should all consider not being so arrogant as to presume technology will replace God in human existance.
Jeff Odem <[email protected]>
Decatur, GA USA - Friday, July 31, 1998 at 13:13:25 (GMT-10)
Hey it is great that you have such a site. With all the other sinfull things on the web, yours is a Blessing.
Joe Tinney <[email protected]>
Carrollton, VA 23314 - Thursday, July 30, 1998 at 14:12:37 (GMT-10)
Thanks for this awesome website! You are a blessing to me as a worship leader!! May the Lord's blessing rest upon you and to be sure, I'll be visiting soon, again!
Daniel M. Wile <[email protected]>
Lancaster, PA USA - Wednesday, July 29, 1998 at 14:19:06 (GMT-10)
Great to see so much resorses at hand i have currently started study and i know i will be visiting this web site quite ofen currently have the privlidge to her from Bunty Collins she is great bless her and the lord for working through her
Gregory Jorgensen <[email protected]>
Mackay , qld australia - Tuesday, July 28, 1998 at 15:21:43 (GMT-10)
Absolutely amazing. Surely we are in the "last days" when we see that God is present even on the Internet... and in such a dynamic way as this website. I praise God, and his people at Fountaingate for this site with it's seemingly endless and free resources presenting "no-credit-card-required" material on-line for cyber-Christians to access. I will tell everyone I know about the site, and especially those at Bible College who are always in need of inexpensive (or free!) material to aid their studies. THANKYOU!!!!!
Troy Lampier <[email protected]>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Monday, July 27, 1998 at 23:28:05 (GMT-10)
Andy Squires <[email protected]>
Valdosta , Ga. U.S.A. - Wednesday, July 22, 1998 at 23:38:39 (GMT-10)
Keep it clean keap it cool, & keep on keeping on for God! AMEN!
chris peach <[email protected]>
melbourne, vic Australia - Tuesday, July 14, 1998 at 11:12:49 (GMT-10)
Among all the filth and mundane subjects the internet is plagued with, it looks and feels like an oasis in the middle of an infernal desert, the findind of this precious section. Thank God and...thank you for your good taste and thoughtfulness...
Hector A. Castillo <[email protected]>
San Mateo, CA USA - Wednesday, July 08, 1998 at 06:54:26 (GMT-10)
Among all the filth and mundane subjects the internet is plagued with, it looks and feels like an oasis in the middle of an infernal desert, the findind of this precious section. Thank God and...thank you for your good taste and thoughtfulness...
Hector A. Castillo <[email protected]>
San Mateo, CA USA - Wednesday, July 08, 1998 at 06:54:25 (GMT-10)
Good bless all my brothers and sisters in Christ. I just want to Praise God for all of you and encourage all to keep studying the word is our sword against the enemy. Stand strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.
Kevin Wanamaker <[email protected]>
Nyack, NY USA - Monday, July 06, 1998 at 13:44:09 (GMT-10)
Good bless all my brothers and sisters in Christ. I just want to Praise God for all of you and encourage all to keep studyibg the word is our sword against the enemy. Stand strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.
Kevin Wanamaker <[email protected]>
Nyack, NY USA - Monday, July 06, 1998 at 13:43:24 (GMT-10)
I am new to the net,thanks for your desure to minister to the body.
MATTHEW,KAY MAAS <[email protected]>
ADELAIDE, S.A AUSTRALIA - Saturday, July 04, 1998 at 13:18:53 (GMT-10)
Praise the Lord. Keep up the good work in the word. Don.
Don Edwards <[email protected]>
Wollongong, NSW Australia - Tuesday, June 30, 1998 at 21:04:59 (GMT-10)
Thank you for this page.
D. Carley <[email protected]>
AL USA - Tuesday, June 16, 1998 at 05:52:24 (GMT-10)
good encouragement
[email protected] <[email protected]>
Greencastle, PA USA - Sunday, June 07, 1998 at 10:25:16 (GMT-10)
Thanks to be given to God for this wonderful site you have set in.
Dagoberto Irias <[email protected]>
La Ceiba, Honduras - Wednesday, June 03, 1998 at 10:19:19 (GMT-10)
I surfed into your site while looking for places to add Saint Columba's URL.
Fr. William E. Bauer <[email protected]>
Fernley, NV USA - Wednesday, June 03, 1998 at 04:49:40 (GMT-10)
A beautiful sight you have here great reading material. Thank you for your web sight and Keep up the good work. It appears that many are enjoying your labors.
Paul Huffey <[email protected]>
Mesa, AZ USA - Sunday, May 31, 1998 at 08:34:41 (GMT-10)
I'm new to the internet as of one month ago, and I never dreamed it would have such wonderful resources for Christians! I've been teaching "Strategies" to my Sunday School class, and considering where God has placed our church, it's extrememly helpful! I would love to correspond with another Christian woman for friendship and support. Please write! [email protected]
Virginia Leggett <[email protected]>
Longview, WA 98632 - Friday, May 29, 1998 at 23:32:47 (GMT-10)
I am new to the internet, looking for fellowship with Christians who want to share their experiences of the Lord and how He (by His Spirit) has taught them lessons of Life. We meet in homes and believe Jesus when He said HE would build His church. It's time to cooperate with HIm to do that, which means we may have to give up OUR ideas of how the church ought to be, get our minds RENEWED, and let Christ build His church. I am open for fellowship at e-mail address: [email protected] May God bless this ministry!
Charlie Lafferty <[email protected]>
Garland, TX USA - Wednesday, May 27, 1998 at 09:32:02 (GMT-10)
Welcome: The SEASON of Generation-Choicemaker. Never forget who you are...made in His image...for Freedom. Man is earth's Choicemaker. Psalm 25:12 He is by nature and nature's God a creature of Choice - and of Criteria. Psalms 119:30, 173 His unique and definitive characteristic is, and of Right ought to be, the natural foundation of his environment, institutions, and respectful relations to his fellow-man. Thus, he is oriented to a Freedom whose roots are in the natural Order of the universe. Let us proclaim it. Behold! The SEASON of Generation-Choicemaker. Selah +vincit veritas+ Shalom
James Fletcher Baxter <[email protected]>
Santa Maria, CA USA - Tuesday, May 26, 1998 at 15:58:05 (GMT-10)
Welcome: The SEASON of Generation-Choicemaker. Never forget who you are...made in His image...for Freedom. Man is earth's Choicemaker. Psalm 25:12 He is by nature and nature's God a creature of Choice - and of Criteria. Psalms 119:30, 173 His unique and definitive characteristic is, and of Right ought to be, the natural foundation of his environment, institutions, and respectful relations to his fellow-man. Thus, he is oriented to a Freedom whose roots are in the natural Order of the universe. Let us proclaim it. Behold! The SEASON of Generation-Choicemaker. Selah +vincit veritas+ Shalom
James Fletcher Baxter <[email protected]>
Santa Maria, CA USA - Tuesday, May 26, 1998 at 15:56:06 (GMT-10)
Welcome: The SEASON of Generation-Choicemaker. Never forget who you are...made in His image...for Freedom. Man is earth's Choicemaker. Psalm 25:12 He is by nature and nature's God a creature of Choice - and of Criteria. Psalms 119:30, 173 His unique and definitive characteristic is, and of Right ought to be, the natural foundation of his environment, institutions, and respectful relations to his fellow-man. Thus, he is oriented to a Freedom whose roots are in the natural Order of the universe. Let us proclaim it. Behold! The SEASON of Generation-Choicemaker. Selah +vincit veritas+ Shalom
James Fletcher Baxter <[email protected]>
Santa Maria, CA USA - Tuesday, May 26, 1998 at 15:47:20 (GMT-10)
, there are so many bad things on the net it's nice to that someone cares .
Tony Skasick <TK1Skasick>
Iowa Park, Texas U.S.A. - Tuesday, May 12, 1998 at 03:21:32 (GMT-10)
I need help for an assignment for school. I am in year 12 and was wondering if anyone had any information on Christianity/Hinduism/Buddhism/Judaism/etc. views on abortion? PRAISE TO GOD Michele Kosasih
Michele Kosasih <[email protected]>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Sunday, May 03, 1998 at 13:42:51 (GMT-10)
Hi! I am a student in year 12 and was wondering if anyone had any information on Christianity in medieval times? PLEASE? Any information/comments/questions/links to someone who may be able to help/anything/ etc. is greatly appreceiated. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS Kathleen Finn
Kathleen Finn <[email protected]>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Sunday, May 03, 1998 at 13:40:39 (GMT-10)
Fourth Memorial Church Spokane, Washington
Robert Franzen <[email protected]>
Spokane, WA US - Monday, April 27, 1998 at 14:04:18 (GMT-10)
Just surfing and found your site through The Pastor's Helper's page.
Pastor Art Ferry <[email protected]>
Garrett, IN USA - Saturday, April 18, 1998 at 04:57:24 (GMT-10)
Glory to GOD. What a great site. I will use alot of this material in my teaching. May the Lord bless you.
William Patton <[email protected]>
orlando, FL USA - Friday, April 17, 1998 at 12:18:41 (GMT-10)
I am doing research for report for China History Class (HIST4850) about persecution of Christians in China. Can you help? Thanks.
Vern Andrews <[email protected].>
Modesto, CA USA - Friday, April 17, 1998 at 09:38:28 (GMT-10)
I am doing research for report for China History Class (HIST4850) about persecution of Christians in China. Can you help? Thanks.
Vern Andrews <[email protected].>
Modesto, CA USA - Friday, April 17, 1998 at 09:38:25 (GMT-10)
Praise be to God !! What a fantastic and encouraging site. I stumbled across this site by divine leading, and notice I must be one of the first from England to visit here.... Keep up the good work.. Remember folks - no matter what you are presently going through - GOD is much bigger than your problem, and He has the answer. Hallelujah !!!!!!!
Rob Barnes <[email protected]>
Preston, Lancs United Kingdom - Thursday, April 16, 1998 at 09:04:15 (GMT-10)
Very interesting. This is my first time accessing this site and I will certainly be back for more.
Jenny Reddish <>
Liverpool, N S W Australia - Monday, April 13, 1998 at 08:53:23 (GMT-10)
Well here I am again... Any last requests...
God <[email protected]>
Newcastle, NSW Australia - Monday, April 06, 1998 at 14:52:10 (GMT-10)
thank you for this most uplifting website. i will definitely be visiting again.god bless all of you who may read this
jimrowlands <[email protected]>
perth, wa australia - Saturday, April 04, 1998 at 17:17:02 (GMT-10)
Rejoicing in the Renewal of the Holy Spirit!
Pastor Dennis Walker <[email protected]>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Wednesday, April 01, 1998 at 10:54:47 (GMT-10)
Thank you for making this resource available. Greelyville Baptist Church Greeleyville, South Carolina
Grover Mixon <[email protected]>
Kingstree, SC USA - Tuesday, March 31, 1998 at 08:36:44 (GMT-10)
Praise God, This is so nice to see how God can work!!!!!!! This is are frist time on the internet and here we are talking to to christain people...God a blessing.We attend Word Of Life Fellowship Church, In Sand Sprinds Okl.We would love to here from you.God Bless You, And for what your doing on the internet. Praise God Your Brother & Sister; in Christ; Virgil & Mary Sheppard [email protected].
Virgil & Mary Sheppard <[email protected].>
Tulsa, Okl U.S.A. - Saturday, March 21, 1998 at 04:58:39 (GMT-10)
Found your site very interesting and informative. It is a blessing to all who visit.
Captain Harry Martin <[email protected]>
Orlando, FL USA - Friday, March 13, 1998 at 02:10:55 (GMT-10)
I love your Bible Study on Strategies of the Kingdom! Keep up the fine work! We are a small but dedicated youth group in Vermont. We are coming under persecution as we move into our local High schools. We are having Bible Studies and Prayer meetings there and see much negative and insulting things coming from both students and faculity. Praise God! We covet all Your Prayers! God Bless You!!
S.E.A.L.S Youth Ministry <[email protected]>
Lyndonville, Vt. USA - Tuesday, March 10, 1998 at 00:41:17 (GMT-10)
May God bless your labor of love for Him and His servants in the vineyard. I have recommended your site to my associate in India for a resource to use in a new Bible School we are setting up. This is perfect for them! Please pray for our ministry, as we are attempting by God's grace to represent the needs of the persecuted church and the native missionaries throughout the 10/40 window, in an effort to generate intercession and raise financial support for them. Again, THANKS, and GOD BLESS YOU!
Jessica Brown <[email protected]>
USA - Friday, March 06, 1998 at 04:01:04 (GMT-10)
This is great, keep up the good work. God Bless.
Sharryn Amies <[email protected]>
Sydney, nsw Australia - Friday, March 06, 1998 at 01:14:31 (GMT-10)
ANADARKO, OK - Sunday, March 01, 1998 at 03:58:21 (GMT-10)
Come Visit the ThroneRoom
Stephen Love <[email protected]>
Norman, OK 73071 - Wednesday, February 25, 1998 at 22:18:03 (GMT-10)
I have a Christian Site called ThroneRoom, but would like to share some brief testamonies. My wife, who had epilepsy since age 5 months got completely healed this Feb. 12th, 1998, and has had no seizure medication since. Contact us if you'd like the details of the healing. My dad, now 78 years of age, was healed of malignant brain cancer in 1961. I was healed of Non-A, NON-B virul hepatitus in 1983, when the doctors said it would take 6 months to even be able to eat normal foods. I was eating NORMAL within 24 hours! In approx. 1979, I ran over my daughter's leg on a Halloween night... with the let bone protruding out from her skin about 2 inches, before they could open the car door to show me, it was completely healed. There has never been a time in my life when I doubted the healing power of Jesus Christ. E-Mail me if you need more documentable true stories that happened in my own life! If you're just in need of some spiritual advice, come read our many helpful essays on various subjects. Come participate in our Political Forums, which we relay to the Press Secretary of the President of the United States weekly! Come visit the ThroneROom... where you're ALWAYS in the presence of The King!
Stephen Love <[email protected]>
Norman, OK USA - Wednesday, February 25, 1998 at 22:14:24 (GMT-10)
This is Paul C. and Pat & Gary Horner saying "hello" from San Antonio, TX! We have never seen such a wonderful site on the net. We think the layout and presentation and quality of material is absolutely EXCEPTIONAL! Keep up the good work. We will be sending a gift for the work and we hope MANY OTHERS WILL RESPOND in a similar way. GOD BLESS YOU for your dedicated efforts.
Gary J. Horner <[email protected]>
San Antonio, TX USA - Tuesday, February 24, 1998 at 12:24:25 (GMT-10)
Hi, my name is Thomas and my wife, Pamela and I attend Christ Life church here in Ft Worth pastored by Cliff and Judy McKern. We just started attending the last of Oct '97 after a lenghty search (over 4 years) for a good, spiritual, down-to-earth church here in FT Worth. Praise GOD!!! we finally found one. Sis. Burdine had asked me to present a missionary family to the church on 2-15-98 pm service (Feb is emphasis on missions month) and I was glad to do it. Well, guess what. You guessed it; YOU were my family and I was so impressed by the material I gathered on you and the work that you all, David, Elena, Tim, and Rebecca are doing. Glory to GOD!!! Hallelujah!!! Keep it up and be Blessed and Encouraged. We do want and will help you by supporting the work there. May GOD richly bless you as you continue to work for His glory. We love you in the LORD. In HIS Service, Thomas
Thomas and Pamela Elam <[email protected]>
Ft Worth, Tx USA - Tuesday, February 17, 1998 at 07:58:59 (GMT-10)
Great site. I really like the bible studies - it is just what I have been looking for on the net. Living and working in the Middle East (muslim countries) it is hard to get access to Christian resources. Until now it has just been my (CD-ROM) Bible and me (which is great), but now I can access some studies to help me get that extra insight into God's word. And your from my home town too - go the Knights!
Jeff Laytham <[email protected]>
Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Friday, February 13, 1998 at 05:57:34 (GMT-10)
Great site! The bible studies are very helpful - It is encouraging to come across a site that is interested in spreading the Gospel and love of Jesus Christ. May thre Lord continue to richly bless your ministry
Joe Kociela <[email protected]>
North Syracuse, N.Y. U.S.A. - Friday, February 13, 1998 at 00:27:11 (GMT-10)
The suffering of the female
Profoto Australia <[email protected]>
Perth, WA Australia - Wednesday, February 11, 1998 at 17:10:10 (GMT-10)
Your studies are very helpful in my Sunday School for teenagers in our small church, actually I'm transalating them into spanish and adapting them, making some exercices for my students.
Carlos Serra <[email protected]>
Barcelona, Barcelona Spain - Monday, February 09, 1998 at 07:51:15 (GMT-10)
i find your site really dynamic and informative. i shall recommend it to all my friends.
siewn deng <[email protected]>
ipoh, perak malaysia - Tuesday, February 03, 1998 at 14:27:04 (GMT-10)
Ransom & Florence Howard
Anadarko, OK U.S.A. - Friday, January 30, 1998 at 03:31:08 (GMT-10)
I am a civilian working for for the US Army in Japan. Your webpage is refreshing.
William P. Donald <[email protected]>
- Sunday, January 25, 1998 at 00:16:25 (GMT-10)
great site keep up the good work. I have come across a wonderful program that is long overdue to christians.a christian ISP void of pornographic sites. Isnt that wonderful.If you would be interested in reading more about this site.Please visit God Bless Robin
Robin Sears <[email protected]>
pikeville, tn usa - Tuesday, January 20, 1998 at 05:09:00 (GMT-10)
Thanks for a great source. GOD BLESS YOU! Dean
Dean A Leverenz <[email protected]>
Lake Havasu City, AZ USA - Friday, January 09, 1998 at 12:31:43 (GMT-10)
Please visit Voice of Calvary International Ministries
Finney Koshy <[email protected]>
Elmont, NY USA - Friday, January 09, 1998 at 01:40:51 (GMT-10)
I have not visited Churchlink web site for a while. Keep up the good work. God bless from our 8,500 foot Colorado connection.
Rev. Chuck Darby <[email protected]>
Woodland Park, CO USA - Friday, January 02, 1998 at 11:52:44 (GMT-10)
I thank God for your ministry! Stay encouraged!
Minister Andre D. Fullwood <[email protected]>
Roseville, MI USA - Thursday, January 01, 1998 at 19:43:26 (GMT-10)
Olen Suomesta.I am from Finland.Olen erittain iloinen, etta "netista" loytyy niin paljon kristillistä tarjontaa.I am very glad that people can find also Good News from here.If you like, sent mail to me.God pless you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Teperi Jari <[email protected]>
Helsinki, Suomi - Friday, December 26, 1997 at 04:26:34 (GMT-10)
I'm looking for information. I'm secretary at my church and am trying to respond to a letter from a lady who watches and enjoys our television ministry. She says she reads her Bible regularly, and wants to continue to do that because she realizes how important it is. She prays each day before reading. Her problem is that she just doesn't understand it. She's asking how she can begin to understand the Bible. I want to respond to her in a simple, easy-to-understand manner, but I'm not sure what to say. I don't want to turn her off. Can anyone give me a hand? Perhaps I'm looking for a simple answer to a complex question. Any quick answers? By the way, this is my first visit to your web site and I've really enjoyed it.
Mae Brewer <[email protected]>
Nacogdoches, TX USA - Thursday, December 25, 1997 at 08:47:50 (GMT-10)
I'm looking for information. I'm secretary at my church and am trying to respond to a letter from a lady who watches and enjoys our television ministry. She says she reads her Bible regularly, and wants to continue to do that because she realizes how important it is. She prays each day before reading. Her problem is that she just doesn't understand it. She's asking how she can begin to understand the Bible. I want to respond to her in a simple, easy-to-understand manner, but I'm not sure what to say. I don't want to turn her off. Can anyone give me a hand? Perhaps I'm looking for a simple answer to a complex question. Any quick answers? By the way, this is my first visit to your web site and I've really enjoyed it.
Mae Brewer <[email protected]>
Nacogdoches, TX USA - Thursday, December 25, 1997 at 08:47:10 (GMT-10)
I liked your words!
Mark R. Mohr <[email protected]>
Council Bluffs, Iowa U.S.A. - Monday, December 22, 1997 at 02:20:44 (GMT-10)
I'm new to the web sites/internets and computors in general. It's great to see such good christian material available. Yours is the best so far. Thanks alot & God Bless You!
Rev. Don Robinson <[email protected]>
Rosepine, La. USA - Sunday, December 21, 1997 at 12:12:18 (GMT-10)
Why dont you be santa for one time
josh <[email protected]>, utah usa - Friday, December 19, 1997 at 10:13:56 (GMT-10)
MINERVA, OH CARRALTON - Wednesday, December 17, 1997 at 14:07:52 (GMT-10)
Find a church near you!
Kevin Keep <[email protected]>
Wynyard, Tasmania Australia - Tuesday, December 16, 1997 at 17:24:51 (GMT-10)
Paul,Bunty,David...thanks for running the race that God has given you. Your lives are witnesses of His awesome love and plan for His Church. So press on towards your goal for your labor in the Lord is not in vain. Your faithfulness to your calling is an encouragement and challenge for us (in Malolos)to do the serve the Lord no matter what comes our way! Praying that God will bring you again to our place. Lifting up prayers to God for you!
Arthur Doctolero <[email protected]>
Malolos, Bulacan Philippines - Friday, December 12, 1997 at 20:11:46 (GMT-10)
I was doing some research on strongholds, and while searching, I found your site. Most encouraging and interesting.I thank God for Christians like you and for your vision to create a www link for Christendom! May Jehovah-sabaoth-The Lord of Lords-bless you today with His Joy and Peace. BTW, I did find some great resources on strongholds, too. In Christ, Ephesians6:10-11. Sam Smith
C.Sam Smith <[email protected]>
WACO, TEXAS USA - Friday, December 12, 1997 at 07:33:03 (GMT-10)
I have been surfing extensively on christian sites. Clearly, this is the best I have come across......very resourceful. Keep up the great work, guys !
Eric Lau <[email protected]>
Kualal Lumpur, WP Malaysia - Thursday, December 11, 1997 at 13:28:49 (GMT-10)
I have been surfing extensively on christian sites. Clearly, this is the best I have come across......very resourceful. Keep up the great work, guys !
Eric Lau <[email protected]>
Kualal Lumpur, WP Malaysia - Thursday, December 11, 1997 at 13:26:51 (GMT-10)
I believe we're being dealt by God to walk in holiness and that, as a youth, is what I'm fighting for. I'm speaking directly to the young people all around the world who has their deepest desire to live according to the purposes of God. This is a challenge for all of us to once again lay down our nets and follow the footsteps of Christ... a call to invest our lives for the sake of other people. This is an opportunity for us, youth, to be "EXAMPLES" for other christians that they may see the difference in our lives. "...Not loving their lives even unto death" Dedicated to serve the Body of Christ, Bro. Noel R. Capule
Noel R. Capule <[email protected]>
Matimbo, Malolos, Bulacan Philippines - Thursday, December 04, 1997 at 14:30:12 (GMT-10)
Hey, I just wanted to say hi to someone, may be some of you can my sign guestbook some time. This guestbook here is cooool! Well by for now I hope to hear from some of you soon
Lenny Gustafson <[email protected]>
Breckebridge, Texas U.S.A - Monday, December 01, 1997 at 12:46:01 (GMT-10)
Hi there! We have a group of about 36 college students coming to Australia May 18 - June 11, 1998 as a part of the Grace University Chorale 1998 Down Under Tour. We'd like to know if you could give us direction as to churches where we could perform a concert. (Maybe even your church!) We'd also like to know about churches or para-church ministries which our team could assist in any duties that would help them carry out their mission. Your reply is eagerly anticipated! In Christ, Larry W. Schweinsburg Executive Assistant to the President Grace University - Omaha, Nebraska U.S.A. P.S. Take a look at our home page at!
Larry W. Schweinsburg <[email protected]>
Omaha, NE USA - Monday, November 24, 1997 at 13:26:33 (GMT-10)
Wow!!! I've been longing to discover a spiritual website such as this. Truly the good Lord is enhancing His kingdom through Internet and I'm glad to know that you're one of His vessels of honor! And I hope I could have more chances of telling you how grateful I am. More power to you...and to God be the Glory. In Christ alone, Monette
Summary Guestlog
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Scripts and Guestbook created by Matt Wright and can be found at Matt's Script Archive.