Churchlink invites you to join our growing team of Net Reporters. Becoming a Net Reporter is simple. Just email
us at [email protected] and provide us the following information:
- Full name
- Postal address
- Telephone contact
- Church of attendance
- Areas of expertise and relevant background
You can do all of this in your own time and at your own pace. There are no deadline pressures or quotas. As much or as little depends entirely on you!
The way you can report will vary on your contacts and sphere of influence. You might:
- Quote vital information from missionary magazines, newsletters, etc.
- Quote from your local newspaper or other periodicals on items of local or international interest pertaining to the mission of the Church, persecution, evangelism, revivals, miracles, etc.
- Ask your church's missionaries to give reports on what is happening in their part of the world.
- Report what is taking place in your region.
- Send in stories, testimonies and accounts of miracles that you personally come across.
- Let others know that they too can become a Net Reporter, even if they are not yet on the Net!
All quoted information must include the name of the periodical/newspaper, date and page number. Generally, we encourage quotations to be about the size of a paragraph, but larger quotations are allowed if it is felt to be of importance. Accuracy is, of course, a vital ingredient. Try to proof what you type in to make sure no mistakes have been made, particularly where names and numbers are involved.
The possibilities are limitless. You can play a vital part in creating a worldwide reporting base which will serve as a free database for other Christians. Sign up today! Just email your details to [email protected], then check out what you will be a part of in Worldscope.