"I was born many years go in the equatorial forest of North Shaba. I don't know exactly when or where I was born, but it was in the forest. My name is Ngongo."
"I was a great fetishist and knew how to manipulate key spirit powers like the spirits of hunting, fishing and putting curses on people. I also planted marijuana, and my friends and I took it with us every day when we were hunting. We often killed people."
"But one day, brother Mpoyo of the Every Tree Ministry (the name EHC is known by among the Pygmies) came to our forest to preach about a certain man, Jesus. I could not understand him because he was talking about a very weak leader who could not hunt for his people or kill his enemies. But brother Mpoyo's life impressed me; he ate our food and slept alongside us in our huts."
"One day I decided to challenge this man by sending a spirit of death upon him, but nothing happened. He continued preaching about this Jesus, teaching us and helping us to be free."
"Finally, I accepted his Christ and became a disciple of Jesus. Now I am a preacher, winning souls for Christ. It is a miracle of God!"
Thank the Lord for the tremendous success of EHC's Gospel outreach to the Pymies of Zaire, and pray for believers like Ngongo who are sharing the life they have found in Jesus with others.
Source: Every Home for Christ
For further information on their ministry, write to:
Every Home For Christ
P.O. Box 168
Penshurst, NSW 2222