Guidelines for Submission

All materials submitted to Churchlink must follow three simple rules:

  1. They must be sound - conforming to the essentials of the Christian faith (1 Timothy 6:3-5; 2 Timothy 4:3; Titus 1:9).
  2. They must be positive - even critical articles must be for "building up...not tearing down" (2 Corinthians 13:10).
  3. They must be inclusive - coming from an "us" attitude, not an "us and them" one - every problem in the Body of Christ belongs not to someone else, but to us together (Romans 12:5; Ephesians 4:3).

All materials must include as a header the writer's full name, postal address, church of regular attendance and the category of the material. (Only name and email will be posted to the indexes). You can choose from one of the following categories:

A few legalities to get out of the way:

All materials are automatically copyrighted to the sender, although the sender is responsible legally for satisfying all copyright formalities. A copyright clause will be appended to each submission, giving rights for anyone to use, repost or copy the material, except for profit and provided the copyright information is included in all copies. By posting material to the Churchlink indexes, the sender is thereby agreeing to this copyright agreement.

Churchlink reserves the right to refuse the posting of any material it deems not conforming to the above guidelines.

If you would like to submit something to be placed on the Post Office Indexes, you may send it by email to the Doorkeeper.