New Season, New Song
By Ruth Webb

Part 2
Praise God - Two Decades of God Directed Changes
Across the Body we have seen different emphases and developments, and each of these has been a part of the bigger picture that God has for His church...there have been several notable accomplishments in the last 10-20 years, which I believe contain the seeds of revival.
- Music in the church has begun to be recognised as a ministry.
- We have come to recognise that the Lord has created music as a unique and powerful vehicle of worship, yet at the same time is able to woo the hearts of
- The release of skilled musicians into the church.
- The gradual introduction of all instruments to the church.
- The scripture in song choruses which revolutionized the type of songs sung in churches around the worship.
These accomplishments of the past 10-20 years enable us to reflect and give thanks to the Lord for the things that HE HAS DONE. However, let us not reflect on the past for too long or without godly objectives as this would only fill us with pride, sentiment and nostalgia - instead, be quick to ask the Holy Spirit to help us with the future.
Building on the Achievements, and Learning from the Mistakes.
(a) The Restoration of the Tabernacle of David
Let us learn from King David who not only put in place all the practicalities of music ministry, but had a heart after God and did all His will. (Acts 13:22) In the Tabernacle of David the musicians were appointed to prophesy on their instruments. They were taught in the songs of the Lord...They had "rosters", they took their turn to minister because there was worship day and night...The musicians and singers, as well as the priests, had responsibilities and rewards, and their needs were looked after by the tithe!
Prophetic Songs or Profitable $ongs?
We need to ask ourselves, are we in the Christian Music Industry or are we in the Music Ministry? According to King David, God's purpose for music is for Ministry not Industry...If we are involved in a music industry, we are required to follow worldly business practices. But in ministry, we have no need to copy the world, God has a much better way than the devil's poor counterfeit. To preach the cross without worldly means does not mean that we have to be dull, dreary and a decade out of date! We must not let the enemy insult The Creator of all things by causing us to think that the Holy Spirit cannot create exhilarating yet beautiful music that is better and healthier than the world's!
(b) God created music to : Reflect His Glory and as a vehicle of Worship
As music is able to do many things, as we approach the last hours of history, music will more and more reflect and advance either heaven or hell. We need to understand that the music of a local church reflects the particular spirit of that local gathering. And it will not only reflect it but also aggravate, perpetuate, expand and even give credibility to those things that influence the heart of that church. We must understand that music can contain life or death, and thus it can be responsible for bringing either healing or abuse into peoples' lives. I am receiving many testimonies from folk concerned that loved ones who have had no interest in rock music, are being introduced to it at church. Some friends of ours who are in ministry had a teenage son who never listened to rock music until the local church introduced him to "Christian rock." As a result, this young man eventually committed suicide!
One thing I have become deeply aware of is that there is a spirit of control stifling many churches in Australia...Control (a form of witchcraft), divorce and rock music often co-exist which would indicate that they have something in common.
(c) Skilled not Professional.
In the last two decades the Lord has made us aware that poor and amateurish musicianship does not enhance the worship of the King of kings. But now professionalism has entered the scene. King David had skilled musicians. There is a fine line between being skilled and being professional, and we need the help of the Spirit of God to be able to distinguish that difference. We now need God's help to correct the balance so that we do not oscillate between the amateurish and the professional.
(d) Beauty, Blend and Balance.
Every instrument has its own unique beauty, capability and function. If musicians understand these unique characteristics and apply them to all songs, there will be a beautiful blend and balance between ALL of the instruments. With the inclusion of so many different musical instruments, the church has the potential for a most beautiful sound. But only if they are played together in the unity and harmony that the Holy Spirit brings. The church would be better served if musicians followed the example of the co-operation and blending found in symphony orchestras and brass bands rather than the competing and striving of rock bands.
God's Discipline
"As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten (discipline). Therefore be zealous and repent." Revelation 3:19
God only disciplines and corrects those He loves. In fact, Hebrews 12.8 says that if God does not discipline us, then we are not His children but illegitimate! The Lord is moving His church into a new season, and holiness to the Lord will be a distinguishing feature.
We can only partake of God's holiness if we have been disciplined by Him! (Hebrews 12:10) Through the discipline, the Lord is ensuring that His children grow up into maturity, ready for ministry and for heaven!
"As a part of the preparation...the Christian music ministry will come under a severe discipline from the Lord...those who refuse to repent, or correct their course, will pay a terrible price." (Rick Joyner)
May we have an ear to hear what the Spirit would say, and be quick to repent so that we can be vessels able to contain the new wine.
Go back to [Part 1].
To order the book "New Season, New Song", please write to:
Ruth Webb
Heart of the Psalmist
P.O. Box 133
Eaglehawk 3556
Fax number: + 61 03 5442 1707

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